Friends With Benifits

 Though i started writing this blog because of inspirations which i get  from most of my friends ,but there is a insanely hardest /bitter part of friendship .Normally i write only when something torments in my mind ,things which are affecting my life and things which are out of My hands .THis time its about some of my close friends and a person who has something called blood relation with me (My cousin brother).Why people after getting little glory ,getting A piece of every ones attention, when they get new friends why is that they start ignoring the Old friends-those who held their hands when people did not knew them ,when they didn't had all those ravishing glories when
THe same old friends which now appear boring to you .The same boring old friends with whom you had a coffee on Tuesday has changed this sSunday .THe same old friend who helped you when you were just like a  misfit ,you  had no one to look to you .THe same old friend with whom you have 500 chats on Facebook to whom you literally shared everything which happened in the class,even share family problems  suddenly don't reply to your messages , the only kind of reply you get for a a concerned message is yup , yaaa, thanx ...... a instead of going in detail previously or asking things to you -as if the old friends who were once gems now mean a thrown piece of rock

PEople to change a lot even though they might have been a good friends of yours glory can change
a person and turn him to a filthy phony sarcastic personality whom you dont even know   .

Food for thought -those who r facing this kinds of things a suggestion for them do believe in strength of your friendship . try to get your friends  back contact them till you feel you do not have things in your hand my case i will be hoping to get you all back
 when you all get back to me i will be kicking you asses for doing that and make a promise from you all that things never turn this ways again 
if unable to fix things right back 

there comes a time in your life ,
when you walk away from all the drama and 
people who create it,
you surround yourself with people who make you laugh .
Forget the bad and focus on the good .Love the people who treat you right ,pray for the ones who don,t.Life is too short to be anything but happy .
Falling down is part of life Getting back up is living .
                                           -jose 'N.Harris...


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Hi this is Rishabh roy , i am a 2nd year computer science student studying in KIIT university . i like to write poems and i am writing this blog so that i can look back how i spent my college days .